2.3 Wholefoods and YOU!

In my last post, I shared with you why I chose a nourished life, basically why eating wholefoods has changed my life in more ways than one. So now I’m going to share with you why you might be interested in it too. I don’t want to come across as an annoying sales person when things always end up getting awkward. But, I really have benefited from changing my eating habits and incorporating exercise in my routines and if this helps you too in any way then great!

So where is Australia’s heath status at?

Well, 63% of adults are overweight or obese and 25% of children in Australia are also overweight or obese. The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare advise that carrying excess weight is a health risk, with health illnesses including “cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, psychological issues, some musculoskeletal conditions and some cancers”. Pretty crazy right!? Seeing as it is preventable. From personal experience, I have now realised after some time of embracing a wholefood approach to food, that I find myself to be less anxious and stressed. I do believe that nourishing my body with nutritious real food has improved my health status dramatically. Eat well as a prevention of ill health. I know, I know easier said than done, but c’mon eat healthy; be healthy. I believe it is important to remain in the loop in regard to research. If we look at the history of the food pyramid, it shows how drastically it has changed over time and hence, the need for continued education.

Here is the proposed food pyramid from 1982, followed with a not so updated 2015 pyramid.



Sugar is not even included in the pyramid anymore, emphasising we should avoid consuming it altogether. The other big change is breads and cereals are no longer suggested to be consumed in large amounts due to the copious amounts of energy it produces.
People are still following historic food suggestions, re-education is needed. I urge you to take back control of your health. Don’t get me wrong, as I have said, I am no health queen (I wish) but I am conscious of what I am putting in my body and the consequences of this, even if I am still naughty from time to time I am aware of the affects. Refined products are negatively controlling Australia’s health status, we have the power to just eat real foods and take back control of our health. Who’s with me?







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