3.1 In the News

I recently read a news article that I felt necessary to share with you all and offer you my thoughts. Susie Burrell’s article titled; A major new study has shown just how dangerous a low-fat diet can be” provides considerable insight into healthy living and has been great in supporting my own personal views of the importance of eating a healthy wholefoods approach to food.

Personally, I do try to follow a Low Carbohydrate/High Fat (healthy fats that is) dietary intake. This article supports my beliefs that following a low-fat diet is extremely outdated and should not be recognised anymore. As mentioned in previous posts, re-education is definitely needed. Personally, I know from experience whilst shopping and comparing nutritional labels, if you pick up a low-fat product and compare it with a full fat product you will predominately see that due to the extraction of fat, it is often replaced with excessive amounts of sugar to ensure taste is still palatable and to ensure longer shelf life. My wholefoods approach focuses on eating foods at their natural state (or as close to as possible, if I had time I would make everything from scratch – but yes, I know, unfortunately that is pretty unrealistic for many of us). By buying a low-fat product you are buying a product that has been modified and thus further processed, yes processed, we all know that is often a bad word, the more processed a food is, the more it moves away from its natural state, which contains all its goodness. Phew okay, that was a lot to take in. But basically, as Burrell tells us in further detail, not only do they over compensate with sugar, but they also do this with excess carbohydrate… and as we all now know high carbohydrate diets can lead to a higher insulin release, if this energy is not being adequately burnt and thus excess weight which can lead to health issues.

Interpreting this information can seem a bit overwhelming, but it’s time to forget the messages of the past, low-fat products are over processed and over compensated with not ideal ingredients. The future of this topic lays in re-educating the population on ditching the low-fat options. If you’re not convinced do some further research for yourself, there is an abundance of information out there now, or next time you’re at the supermarket compare the nutritional labels like I did and see what you find. Even better, tell me below!

Good luck and here’s to healthy living!

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